Tuesday, January 01, 2008

So This is the New Year

I find it extremely ironic that as soon as I hit the new post button The New Year by Death Cab pops up on WMP. ha. I'm not going to say I have any resolutions because well...I truely don't. Just you know the obvious graduating and such.

Anyways, I came across this random guy's blog on APnet a little bit ago today. I always check the random newly updated ones that post because well it's something to do and it can be interesting to read what people have to say... his name is Joe. He has really bad anxiety. I thought I had bad anxiety...but no, his tops mine by far. I feel for him....I feel for this guy who is 22..who's in college in Georgia....I can relate to him...some how. I just want to hug this guy. Just say...I know what your feeling. It's going to be ok. I don't know, in some ways it's almost a comfort to me...knowing that I'm not alone in having anxiety attacks. My friends don't get it. Don't know what I go through sometimes.

I want to close this blog from a quote from this Joe guy's sig on APnet. It's actually a quote from Drew one of the news contributers but here it is, "I Wish Someone Would Write Love On My Arms...."

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