Sunday, January 06, 2008

It's a Start....

Today, I cleaned my desk off. It could still use work in the storage areas but other than that. It's pretty clean...clean enough to do homework off of. Plus I had this CD rack thing sitting on the left side of my desk blocking my left speaker and man that thing must've muffled a lot of the sound because I'm listening to music right now...and I'm like wow...this sounds....different. A good different though. Plus now I can turn my monitor so it faces my bed so it's more comfortable to watch movies/tv shows online haha.

Alright well...I really don't have anything else to say for myself today. Cleaning my desk off was pretty much my day, that and cleaning out my binder/folders. It's much lighter than it was....who knew paper could weigh so much. Now...if I could only motivate myself enough to actually clean my room. That may be a summer break goal...ha. As I sit here and rolls my eyes at the very thought. :)

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