Monday, January 28, 2008

Expect From Me Some Honesty.

For the record, the last blog I posted before this one...I have no clue as to where it come from. I just picked on of my away messages and disected it. Socratic Lyrics by the way. I posted it on myspace, and now....people are freaking out. Let them freak, I really don't care. I don't take anything back...I kind of wish I went even further, but I guess I should save that for another blog. What do I have to lose?

Today was just a blah day. I was zoned out most of the day...just thinking. I did my work and kept to myself. I sat at the table this morning wondering why I am friends with some of these people. Then all through the day I went through different scenarios of what I would say on the ride home. I opted for the say nothing option for now. I considered being very hostile, saying fuck you...I'm going to take the bus from now on...but I didn't. Wasn't really angry enough today. I've just

I got home and got my stickers and a signed note from Chad in the mail...I'll keep this forever. If I never get to meet the man...atleast I have a letter from him. The good part of my everything else has been pretty much bad news. I mean seriously, who else comes home to find the microwave, the TV, car headlights, and the light above the stove all broken.

On a plus note, Bourdain is on tonight and he is so sarcastic and witty that he can always lift my mood a bit. Granted I'm watching it on a tiny ass screen instead of the good one. All these things put off my tution deposit.....which delays everything else. Maybe I should just get a money order and send the 100 bucks in myself. At this point in time....I don't see myself going to Cedar Point in the spring anyways...atleast not with whom I originally planned to go with. I don't know...we'll see.

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