Thursday, January 24, 2008

4ish Months to Go

Today was interesting. Aside from classes, we had homeroom today. Got my report card, I'm up to a 3.4 GPA yes! Then we went and got our panaramic picture taken in the takes awhile to arrange 500+ kids. Plus, the kids in my homeroom are really friendly now which I was actually fun in there today. The underclassmen had to watch the dreaded scheduling video...I'm sooo glad we didn't have to watch that. Then in every class the teachers adddressed the underclassmen about continuing with a foreign language or math class. I was worried that I might have to take Calc next year in college but I got online to BSU's site and found that I only have to take a general math class that basically just covers everything we've learnt in high school math. I think I can handle that....One math class in college sounds fine to me!

I literally got smashed today in hockey, twice. Shroyer ran me over and so did Aubrey but that's was fun. Needless to say, my shoulder is now killing me because of that. I'm debating about wether or not to bring that up at my physical I've found out I have to get for college. I know she'll probably just send me to FWO instead of NEO which is closer and more covient than FWO. I don't know my mom wants to schedule it for Spring Break so I don't miss any school. We'll see I guess. I have to go finish some Espanol for tommorrow...and later go to the library to print off my logo for marketing....gah.

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