Sunday, January 20, 2008

School Rants.

The past few days have been...ok I guess. Besides getting my edline report either Friday night or Saturday morning I don't remember when. Anyways, my grades have dropped since last term. I'm basically flirting with a D in Spanish. I need to finish the class with a C- for Academic Honors Diploma. I know, there's 17 weeks left in the term still....stop freaking out. I can't help it, this is supposed to be the review part. I've barely passed the quizzes we've taken. Plus I need to accumulate a 100+ participation points in 9 weeks...scratch that, 8 weeks. I study....but then when I see that quiz infront me...I just blank out. Nothing that I've studied comes to me. It's so frustrating. Spanish is something that goes in one ear and right out the other. Not to mention trying to wrap my head around domains and ranges in pre-calc. All I can say about that class is that there better be a hell of a lot of extra credit this term like there was last term. I raised my grade from an A- to an A+ last term because of my 40 points E.C. and I didn't even do all that was offered. School is kicking my ass, the stress, the running around in P.E. and not eating enough iron have probably all contributed to me being exhausted all the time which doesn't help me focus any better.

Plus to top it all off. These temperatures in the teens and single digits having been reaking havoc on my shoulder/arm. I'm really not looking forward to participating in more endless games of dodgeball with it like this. I've spend the majority of my weekend in bed.....watching ER and 7th Heaven since we ventured out to the downtown library to get dvds yesterday. Of course not wearing a coat probably didn't help my shoulder any either. I've only worn my winter coat once this year to shovel snow which really tore my shoulder up. Here's hoping for no more significant snow this winter. As long as we don't do weightlifting I should be ok. I'm hoping this coming school week will be better now that I'm pretty well adjusted to the new schedule. Atleast I only have to endure four days this week.

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