Sunday, January 13, 2008

I'm on my feet, I'm on the floor, I'm good to go.

I like sunny days in January. They make it seem like it's Spring already. Too bad we'll probably have some massive snow storm in the next few weeks that will change all that. Or at the very least it'll get all cold and rainy again blah.

Yesterday I went with the momz to get some shoes for gym. They're pretty and silver, got em' at Kohls. Plus we went to Tar-jay first and I got some new jeans and a new people can stop yelling at me for having holes in my jeans...holes in not so good places anyways.

New classes Monday. I'm ready. I know someone in all of my upcoming classes and am open for suprises of other people I know being in them. Still don't know who I'm going to sit with in C lunch but I'm sure I'll find somebody. Ah...I'm a 2nd semester senior...5ish months till I'm out of there....for good. Plus I have to find a roommate for college in between then or atleast fill out the form where they match you up with one. Plus prom.....cedar point....spanish.....birthdays...Senior Picnic....Graduation and all that entails...I have a feeling it's going to be a busy busy Spring. A good kind of busy though. Atleast I hope so.

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