Monday, January 14, 2008

How Long Until I Graduate?

New classes. I want my old ones back! 1st period I have Sports/Entertainment marketing. I have no friends/acquaintances in this class. They're basically all jocks...and cool kids. Not cool. Class should be easy but's going to be a long term. Quiz tommorrow over Marketing functions and such. Oh jou right?

2nd period is Spanish III...gah. I know people which is good but I'm going to have to study my ass off. Got a word search in spanish to do....gah. I have to know a shit load of words that I'm already supposed to know for tommorrow. I was so glad when this class was was a never ending whirlwind of spanish flying at me and all crammed into 90 minutes.

3rd period, Lifetime Sports....I know people again..but we got a worksheet? wtf? This was supposed to be my blow off class! So frustrating....we spent the period in the computer lab. We're going to go on a lot of field trips though...that should be fun

C Lunch, luckily I got there early. It sucks having to carry all your shit with you to lunch though. I ate with Casey, Chris, and Nick. Plus my cousin Nick, Michelle, Anthony and some other people are in that lunch too. So it should be OK.

4th period I still have pre-calc so nothing new there....just more math...math that never ends.

How many days until June 6th when I walk across that stage at the colisieum to get my diploma? I'm seriously done with high school. The whole thing just sucks. I'm more than ready for college when I hopefully won't have class everyday. This term is just going to have a lot more work than last term....and I thought that this term was going to pretty much be a blow off term....guess not.

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