Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sarah Quite Possibly Took a Jump Off the Deep End.

So I changed my status on facebook to that last night. Because I've been putting myself out there more and I'm not entirely sure if that's what I should be doing. Then I read this on Joe's blog when I got home from school today...

"You know you are in too deep when you feel like everything you are doing could be better if that one person was there with you.

Let me sink.
Let me sink as deep into you as possible."

It made my heart twinge. It almost made me want to cry. I feel that way. Not about Joe of course but someone else. Now I have to explain myself to someone. I'm at a loss of words when it comes to this task. I don't know what to tell him. I don't know to even begin explaining why I changed my status to that last night. I don't know why I felt the need to break some walls down to expose myself. I don't know anything anymore. Everything is a struggle.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am flattered that you even read what I write, let alone quote me or take something I say to heart. It means a lot.
