Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Lose Your Self....

So as you have noticed or may not have noticed by now I've posted some pictures earlier today of some art. I got bored and I've had this stuff forever...so why not post some pictures? Yes the collage is based off "Still Fightin' It" by Ben Folds. So yeah.

Today was ok. I think I'm getting stronger. Maybe. But it seems like when ever I start feeling semi-normal....something happens. Some caused by self-esteem issues, other times it's other people. The pain is slowly creeping back...I can tell. My one nice day to run around outside in shorts has passed. Winter is knocking again.

I don't feel motivated to do anything tonight. But I really really need to do my pre-calc so I don't fall horribly behind. I want to write something, something sort of new for me. I want to work on it but I'm forcing myself not to until I finish with this Econ final. Or atleast get through tonight's homework.

I hate that people throw me for loops. I hate that their actions are constantly changing. I wish I could figure them out once in awhile. I wish I could figure myself out once in awhile.

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