Sunday, January 27, 2008

You are the Circle, I am the Square

"Is it safe to say that we've hurt the same way?"
You and me, we share this unspoken bond of hurt. We've both been hurt in life-changing ways. We don't even know each other anymore. We want to understand each other, but our walls are built up entirely too high. We're very careful about who we allow into our lives. We can't talk about hurt, not for any length of time. We'd both rather change the subject and laugh it off. I miss us, miss the bond. I miss everything about us. I know you don't want to hangout with me anymore...I can tell by the way we both interact. It's all small we're just acquaintances and not even friends. I trust you, and you'll never be just an acquaintance to me...I just want you to know that.

"If it was up to me, I'd leave this place right now"
I have more bad days than good ones. Especially lately. I hate that I'm living my life as if I'm dying from some horrible disease and I'm settling. I want leave this town, leave these people more and more often. I tell myself I wouldn't miss the majority of them. I just want a fresh start, and I want it now. I'm sick of waiting. It's time for me to move on. Move on to bigger things, rid myself of these people who constantly contradict themselves.

"I'm never that beautfiul"
I've never been good enough for anyone. Maybe I'll be something for someone someday. Someone who sees me for me. Someone who actually cares. Someone not throwing their life away. I don't see myself as beautiful on the inside or the outside. I see someone who's trapped, who's never been given the chance to be beautiful.

"Everything I used to love changed and makes me miserable"
Things that once meant the world to me, don't matter anymore. People, who I thought I had a connection with have changed, have left, have disrespected themselves and gone too far, therefore losing my respect. Priorities in life change, I no longer care about petty things that really have no significance. Give me something that matters, give me something real to care about. Having to deal with the petty things, drains me. I want to put my energy into something worthwhile....I don't have time to half-ass things. People who don't put everything they've got into something...disappoint me. Give me lyrics with meaning, with soul, not this life is unfair lets scream about it shit. Give me a singer, some who can that isn't noise...something that makes you feel. Something that surges through your body, something that gives you this undescribable feeling of pure awe. I used to...I used to love I know are these thoughts....these thoughts I've grown so close to...these thoughts I have to leave forever.

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