Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Let Go Of All You Know....

So today was pretty much amazing in comparison to yesterday. The best part of the day by far was floor hockey in lifetime sports. It was fun. I was kicking ass playing defense and a lot of the guys where suprised when I actually challenged them and stole the puck from them. I was tired, hungry, sweaty, and even a bit sore afterwards...but was fun and I don't care about all of that! I can't wait to play again tommorrow! Plus I'm really looking forward to playing soccer even if we're playing indoors. If I remember correctly freshmen year, my 6 vs. 6 team won the whole p.e. class tourney. Anything is better than dodgeball at this point.

My next task at hand, is to design a logo....based on me. Uh..ok Danely, you want us to sell ourselves? Great. I have to come up with something by Friday. Plus the first espanol test Friday but right now I'm feeling OK about that.

My biggest complaint right now is that I'm hungry....I haven't eaten enough and running around like that always makes me burn food off like crazy. Plus I finished all my Spanish and Pre-Calc at school before I left. An 80 problem set..yes!

I'm also thinking about going to Morp this year. It's going to be like a big Rave supposedly with blacklights, glowsticks and such. You know...actually use my student ID to get into a school event...since I've yet to do that haha. We'll see....depends on who's going. Ah well I'm obviously in a better frame of mind tis all for me today kidz.

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