Saturday, January 26, 2008

I'm Ready.....I'm Ready for Something New.

I was told the other day that I'm too serious. Well...excuse me for actually caring about things. Of course the person who told me this is setting themselves up for failure in my opinion. I know it's a typical teenager thing to want to out and party and shit, but this person is a hypocrite. They say one thing and the next thing you know they're doing the things they said they would never do. They're smoking, and out getting high with a so called friend just because they think that person is the "coolest" person they know. Well you know what? I don't want to associate myself with people like that, people who can't seem to think for themselves, people who want to fit in and do stupid shit to do so. I've already made up my mind about what I may need to do concerning this person in the future. If this all gets out of hand, if they're fucked up while around me, then they can just forget it. I'm not going through this again. Once is a enough for a lifetime. I have it all planned out too....just incase. Me yelling at them...saying various things, that'll probably hurt them. But you know what? They're probably things that need to be said. I even went as far as telling this persons sister what was going down in hopes that maybe someone would try to stop this person...but uh....I doubt anyone has.

I've actually considered ending this friendship before. They do so many things that piss me off, and I'm not quite sure why we're friends still anyways, we don't have much in common anymore. Lately I keep telling myself just to make it through the summer and then you'll be away at school and they'll be in the Fort still...wasting away still. They're not goal oriented like you...they don't care. They don't take anything seriously, everything to them is one big fucking joke. It's all cartoons, guitar hero, and fast food with them. They haven't been there for you like some of your friends have. They've left you hanging too many times. It's time to move on...and come August for's over. I don't's over. I need some real friends...not you. I may not know myself, but I know what I want and don't want out of life. I know that they need to find themselves and get their shit together, grow up and get out of the whole 8th grade rebel against your parents thing.

"So, is that what you call a getaway?
Tell me what you got away with.
Cause I've seen more spine in jellyfish.
I've seen more guts in eleven-year-old kids.
Have another drink and drive yourself home.
I hope there's ice on all the roads.
And you can think of me when you forget your seatbelt,
and again when your head goes through the windshield.
And is that what you call tact?
You're as subtle as a brick in the small of my back.
So let's end this call, and end this conversation.
and is that what you call a getaway?
well tell me what you got away with.
cause you left the frays from the ties you severed
when you say best friends means friends forever"

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