Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Don't Say It'll Stay This Way Forever.

School wasn't so bad today. Although, having a two hour delay helped. I'm sick of dodgeball. I'm sick of hearing Danley talk about football and endorsements. Doesn't he know that there are other sporting events outside of football? I have to desgin a pair of Nikes for tommorrow...full color print outs. Joy.

Didn't have much to say to anyone today. Kind of just kept to myself and did my work. Even on the ride home, I said pretty much nothing. Then for some reason, out of nowhere, Erin pops in Cataylst. God halfway through All Downhill From Here, I wanted to cry...didn't let myself though. Just stared out the window and sucked it up.

"And I can tell you’re going through the motions I figured you were acting out your part Once again, we’re playing off emotion Which one of us will burn until the end? Catalyst, you insist to pull me down You contradict the fact that you still want me around And it’s all downhill from here And it’s all downhill from here"

I can't even get through an NFG record anymore without wanting to cry....what the hell is wrong with me? I even wore my old faded out NFG shirt today...just because I haven't worn it in forever.

I keep longing to see him. I don't know what I'll say to him....if anything at all. Maybe he doesn't even have to know I'm there. Just a glimpse would do. But....if I saw him with her....I don't think I could handle it. I don't know what he sees in her anyways. I just know....I miss him, and seeing him would tie me over for awhile. Just some kind of contact that involves hearing his actual voice. God....I'm a loser.

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