Wednesday, December 05, 2007

You Can't Decipher Deflections from Reality But Neither Can I

We got 3 inches of snow tonight, 3 more are supposedly coming by this weekend. Anyways we had a 2 hour delay this morning and I wanted so badly to sleep in but I started having these nightmares and they were just horrible. So I forced myself to get up and get rid just to avoid the nightmares that were all too real. My nightmares aren't as ficitional and absurd as my regular dreams. They're what's happening in the dream could really happen. They're the kind of thing that ruins your mood, gets you thinking about things you weren't actually thinking about for once. Get you stressed out....

These dreams will probably never go away, I'll have them again....and again. It's events that scar you for life, that cause these dreams. Events that scare you. Events that cause you pain just thinking about them. It just leaves you wanting to feel don' t like feeling vunerable. You don't like the fear... You want a hug...some kind of reassurance. But you left alone with your thoughts, and hope that this weekly or sometimes daily occurence ends sometime in your life.

"What do you do when your lifes a disaster? And you're moving faster and it's getting harder to breathe...."

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