Monday, December 17, 2007

It's Kind of Like....

Breaking up, except that we're not going out. I almost feel like I need to make a definte end to the whole friendship. How do you end a friendship anyways? How you do you keep them from asking questions? How do you get over it? Is is this something I'm going to regret? Yes....probably to the last one. But I'm about 95% sure I need to do this. But I feel like I need to explain myself and not just say you know what...I can't do this anymore. I can't be friends with you. I don't want to talk to you anymore and I don't want to hangout with you. Even though without you I'll be a complete mess. But you don't realize that the closer I get the more dangerous it is....for me anyways. I get more attached and that's not a good thing because then it's harder to let go. Maybe I should just say it like that and he'll be left going "What the Hell just happened?"

I don't know...we'll see what happens. If worse comes to worse, I have my buddy Michelle who seems to do all my dirty work concerning boys for me. She's 3 years younger than me...they have no clue as to who she is and she's not afraid to let them have it haha. I just don't think I can end this relationship through a nasty email this time. Because I really don't have anything nasty to say to him. But I'd say some stuff that'd make things really ackward and the state of the friendship would most likely decline anyways so I might as well end it right?

God this is going to be hard.

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