Saturday, December 29, 2007

This December Won't Be So Lonely...Anymore.

So I showered and attempted to straighten my hair again this morning. Gah...I think I'm going to give up on this whole straightening thing until I get some layers put into my hair. Right now it's just thick and horrible. It needs thinned out some. Plus when player laser tag I tend to get hot I just threw it up after all of that. I did spend about a half an hour on it though this I'm too lazy to spend loads of time on my hair. Plus I blowed dried a bit first because the goop I put in says that'll make it work even better, all it did was make my hair sorta frizzy...and puffy. I think I'll pass on that step from now on. Plus I don't like the texture of my hair after I do all this shit to it....I don't want to fry my hair and have it stop growing....gah.

Anyways, my stomach is kind of janky right now. It's like blah. So...I don't know if it's hungry or if I'm coming down with something or if it's just being a bitch. I'm hoping I'm not sick because I really doooo want to go play laser tag...I haven' t played since my freshmen year...which is entirely too long ago. Plus I hate stomach illnesses period.

OH! and I woke up to find I have this weirdo rash under my arm....god guys, I'm falling apart, not to mention my left shoulder has been hurting again...grr. Stupid thing kept me awake for awhile last night it hurt so bad. Trouble is, nobody believes me. Maybe because I have too many aches and pains? Getting old sucks.

So...I've been busy though this morning, I did dishes, I played a game of dominos and lost, showered, ate an orange...and it's not even noon yet...and I got up around 9:30 so yes. I think I'm going to go lie down or somethng...maybe eat some saltines?

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