Monday, December 24, 2007

T'was The Night...'s Christmas Eve. I'm sitting here waiting for a DVD to load, I never should've turned that stupid player off...grr. Ah oh well, I have a belly full of delicious chili oh yes. I'll be eating it like for the next week or so for lunches. I love the stuff though so that doesn't bother me at all.

I wrapped gifts today. My wrapping skills have improved some but I still suck. I get frustrated with it so I just scrunch stuff up and plaster some tape on haha. Tommorrow is Christmas...and I don't know, I was more excited I think...last week than I am today. Today it just like heh....whatever, another day, another family gathering, another chance to pick up some wierd ass illness from my cousins. Plus, get this...that side of the family has all been exposed to I may have to get a TB shot...oh jou..heh. I thought I was done with shots for awhile after I got my menigitis shot. Merry Christmas Sarah, here's a TB shot. I told my Mom to ask my Aunt to get us surgical masks....but nobody ever takes me seriously when I say stuff like that. Ah oh well. It's only my health right? I have no clue as to what I may be getting....well I do...from the extended family. I got my 50 dollar Savings Bond in the mail today from my Grandpa...I have 17 of those now. Which isn't a bad thing. Then we'll also get some rinky-dink toy that I'm too old for, and a piece of fruit and nuts. Then from my other Grandparents I'll get either a mall giftcard or cash just because they always say every year that they don't know what size I am or what I like...which is A-OK with me. Then we get assorted food things from the Uncle with all the cousins...that are like diseased. haha. Then from my other Aunt and Uncle we usually get a family game or something like that. We started doing family gifts after the 5th or 6th kid that my Aunt popped out....we're up to 8 now. So it's a little pricy to buy 8 kids gifts along with everyone else. Then maybe if we're lucky we'll get giftcards from the Aunt who we don't see much anymore...well I see Nick...but we do go to school together and are locker buddies. I gave him maybe I should at the very least expect cookies back? That'd be just fine with me.

Ah oh well...Merry Christmas Everyone! And if you don't celebrate Christmas then Happy Holidays!

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