Saturday, December 15, 2007

Will You Go To Prom With Me? And Dance and Dance....Dance...

So maybe after this snow storm we can go sledding? Once I dig up my sled haha. We'll certianly have enough if we get the foot we're supposed to get. Anyways my arm has been killing me all day and I'm not looking forward to helping my dad dig out tommorrow. He wants to take me out driving in the snow too...gah! If I crash...come visit me in the hospital...or when I'm laid up from injuries!?! lol.

I have to finish my Econ paper tommorrow..blah not looking forward to that. But I'd rather do that then shovel and drive. Ha. We may not even have school on Monday though. So whatever.

My mom is pretty excited about me wanting to go to Prom this year...she's all like we're going to go with your Aunt Suzi and buy a dress and then before prom we'll get your Senior pics taken and you can wear the dress in one of them. Ugh...I think should just sit at home like a loser like last year? lol. Nah...I need to find a date though..even though just going with friends wouldn't be a bad thing...unless they all have dates. Eh. Too bad a lot of my guy friends have girlfriends or....have major crushes on other girls. Bastards. Lmao just kidding guys. Well Prom isn't until May so I guess I have time to find a new classes maybe potential guys for a date in those...who knows. music is on shuffle but Say Anything keeps popping up. Crazy. Anyways. That's pretty much all I have to say.

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