Sunday, December 16, 2007

Standing on the Edge of Morning...

So we only got about 6 inches of snow. But it was still enough to have to dig out this morning. So now I'm sore, mainly on the left side of my body. And I'm tired. It's one of those days where I just want to crawl in my nice warm bed under the covers and read, watch good TV, or good movies. But sadly, I have no DVDs to watch and no books to read. And there is pretty much nothing at all on TV to watch ....on the Farmer 5 anyway. So here I am blogging, putting off that damn Econ paper. I should really stop whining about it and just finish the damn thing.

I really want to write another juicy good blog that ends up being myspace worthy but I'm just not feelin' it right now. Those always come to me at the most random times. I thought about it yesterday but then I decided it was just a rant about how our parents have fucked us all up in various ways. And I just didn't want to go there, so I opted to play Bingo instead.

I'm sooo ready for it to be Friday so I can handout cookies. For some reason this time of the year is kind of exciting compared to last year. It's almost like I'm 8 years old again waking up at 3 in the morning out of pure excitement. Of course I used to be that way about starting it's like go away...let me sleep. haha. It feels good to be excited about something again though, this time of year has been pretty good in comparision to the last few years. Lets see the next loose sleep because I'm so excited thing will either be Cedar Point....or something equally as exciting. We'll see.

Well....I REALLY am going to go FINISH my term paper now. Oh yeah and just because I'm super unlucky all this snow will probably melt before I get to go sledding. Agh.

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