Monday, December 10, 2007

It's Always You In My Big Dreams.....

I'm feeling quite accomplished right now. I've gotten 7 pages out of 9-10 typed for my English term paper. I'm just waiting to get the other couple of them back from the teacher with corrections so I can do those, and then all I have to do is number, write an intro and conclusion, and work cited page. Yes. Oh yeah and a couple more parenthetical sources wouldn't hurt either. Plus I've started on my Econ paper, only like 3 paragraphs but it's a start and I actually did reasearch today. Yes.

My arm is yet again killing me today. It hurt so bad in math I thought I might cry. I seriously hate this, I've taken some asprin, still waiting for it to kick in. Hopefully it'll cut the pain some.

Why can I not go a day without thinking about him? At the most random moments he pops into my class on the way home from school, just random things I see make me think of him. Just more of a reason why I want to see him.....even after last week's whole thing. But I really need to focus on these stupid term papers grr... next week I'm home free, just have a math final...but other than that I'm good. Plus I'm makin' cookies for people! whoo! I'm more than ready for winter break.

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