Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Sarah is Grumpy.

So I'm cutting all the junk food out of my diet...or trying know candy, cakes, and what not...God....I feel like I'm starving right now...and my head hurts, and....I'm cranky. This fucking sucks...I just want one of those ding dongs my parents brought home riggght now. But I'm holding strong....I gotta hang in there. Grr..damn temptations. In the's going to be worth it right?

1 comment:

Alexis said...

Oh, good for you! Tough stuff, man, tough stuff. I don't think I could do it. Totally, totally worth it though. Sometimes it helps, when you're craving something, to brush your teeth. Kind of kills the appetite 'cause your mouth is all fresh and whatnot. Plus most food tastes disgusting with mint.