Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th!

4th of July used to mean, spending the afternoon at my grandparent's house...we'd have a cookout...and then around dusk we'd load up the wagon, an old green one, that has removable sides, and I'd ride in it. Anyways I'd be all loaded up in the wagon, with my snacks, and a blanket, and oh and lawn chairs attached to the sides of the wagon and we'd begin the trek over to the apartments that are the edge of my grandpa's addition. Of course this after all of us had been thoroughly sprayed down with bug spray....sticky...smelly bug spray. We'd find our perfect spot along Hobson....right across from the empty field that seperated the apartments from IPFW. Then we'd watch the fireworks being shot off from the baseball stadium, and listen to the radio because they always broadcast the philharmonic live. The best part was going back to my grandparents' house though....because they lived on a slight hill and there hardly ever is traffic on dad would push the wagon and I'd steer it into the driveway haha. Sure it changed a bit as I got older and too big for the wagon...and my brother got dibs and then all my cousins moved back from California...and they got dibs...then they built dorms in that empty field.

You can't see crap now, from our old fireworks spot, so we don't have get togethers on the 4th anymore. I miss those. Don't get me wrong, today was pretty great. We went to Angola for the parade at 1....the best parades have Zesto handing out free ice cream sandwhiches hehe. Then we walked the mile or so to the park, where they had a small fair like thing set up....and watched the sky divers coming in...and the park is actually right near a graveyard....the graveyard that my great grandparents and great great grandparents are buried in. So we found their gravestones. Came home, and did dishes and junk and ate. Then it got dark and some guy in the addition behind us, started his own little fireworks show that lasted like 15-20 minutes...and I'm not talking like fountains and little wimpy stuff, these were the same ones that they were on the same scale of the fireworks that they were shooting off at IPFW. So....that was cool.

Of course next weekend, we can parade it up again for 3 Rivers....but no free candy or icecream at that parade and I can watch it on we'll see. But the weekend after next there'll be fireworks again for the end of 3 Rivers and they're not dumb asses and shoot them off of the big bank building downtown so there are actually a whole lot of good places to go to see Lakeside middle school....heh. So...we'll was just good getting out of the house.

My mom is hoping my very very burnt nose fades in time for my Sr. Pics by Thursday...lmao. They're calling me Rudolph.

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