Friday, July 11, 2008

Busy. Busy. Busy.

Whoo, I'm tired. I'm sitting here in bed on my laptop watching George Lopez. I just got home about twenty minutes ago from helping my Dad clean computers. Being outside on hot cement blowing the dirt out of computer cases when it's 90 degrees out is always fun haha. Plus earlier today, I mowed the lawn so I'm pretty beat. Tommorrow I have a wedding so I'll have made $75 in two days...not too shabby.

Tommorrow, we're also going over to my Aunts house for a cookout/b-day party for my Grandpa. It should be kinda fun right? Anything is better than hanging out at home all the time.

Oh, and proofs are up online of my pictures that I had taken yesterday mom is out washing towels and has my username and password so I've yet to look at them. At first the whole picture thing was ackward but it got better, so hopefully there a few good shots. We shall see...hopefully she gets home soon anyways....I'm getting hungry eh. So maybe tommorrow if I have time...or Sunday I'll get a few of the good pictures up on here...we'll see.

I kind of want to spend some of this cash ya know? In cash on me...I have...wayyy more than is safe to carry around...I think I only have like 50 in my wallet right now. Plus aside from cash before I leave for school, my mom is going to get my 150 out of her bank account to give back to me. So...I need like a safe or something ahh.

Ok...well I'm going to watch the news....and just that's all for now kidz.

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