Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Over-Used Word of the Day....Stoked.

So I'm pumped x10000000, right now. Seriously, we go to Home Depot tonight to make a few color copies.....end up walking out the door with a brand spankin' new toshiba laptop that does everything the dell does, has more memory....and is about 300 bucks cheaper. Yeah. Stoked. Plus we're having tacos tonight. We haven't had tacos in FOREVER. Yeah...stoked.

Then I get home and I'm curious and reading blogs and what not....new Jack's Mannequin album....SEPTEMBER 9TH!!! AHH YES! I'll definately be getting on that bus down at Muncie to go to Walmart or the mall or best buy or wherever the hell it stops that has music to purchase it...that day...hell I don't have class until 2 on Tuesdays so you better believe I'm going that morning.

Ok, well I'm going to take my overly giddy self out to the kitchen to help with the tacos...and chips and salsa....yes.

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