Monday, March 31, 2008

March Always Ends Well...

Probably because my birthday closes out the month. Just some random stats for today;
Number of weird ass truck drivers waving and honking at us: 1
Number of cities/town in: 3
Number of pictures taken: 11 lol
Number of White Castles consumed total: 6 (3 each plus fries)
Number of times we got lost: 2
Miles driven: Roughly 200
Number of crazy limos seen: 1

So that was my day in stat form. We ended up going to Muncie on the way home to check out their mall. Obviously everyone was in school because man was that mall DEAD, save for the few powerwalking old people or the ones who all sat at the benches that faced eachother just talking. When all is said and done, I ate too much today and I feel like I shouldn't move. So tommorrow I hope it's not raining so I can either get my bike out or go running before or after applying for jobs. Serioulsy if I ate like this everyday...god I don't even want to think about it. Oatmeal tommorrow kidz for sure. Anywho, birthdays just seem to be getting better, the only thing that could possibly top the night off would be hanging out with Matt and the guys haha, I seriously need to hangout with them sometime outside of school.

Alright well my lazy ass self is going to go do something else so that's all for me this March guys. Bring on April!

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