Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I Liked You Better A Year Ago....

It's been a good day, for the most part. Especially for music. On a whim I downloaded Icky Thump by The White Stripes. I'm lovin' it to say the least. Plus I also decided to see what music was left on my D drive leftover from God...freshmen year on my old computer. Found some oldies but goodies. Blame It On Rio...yes! Their whole first album and the pop-punkiness goodness. Yeah those were the good old days of going to shows almost every weekend. Before all the bands I wanted to see either broke up or changed members and their sound so much that wasn't even worth going anymore. Sure we have The Method To My Medium now but sorry, I'm not into them. I bring that up because I was reading the bands that Bree had listed on her binder and I realized I definately wasn't even into any of them. She had The Method To My Medium listed...I thought about saying hey you like.....I liked em' back in the day when they were still Blame It On Rio and even saw em' live a few times. But I figured she'd just roll her eyes or something and think I'm lying so I just kept my mouth shut, maybe another day, I'll have a music conversation with a girl who's atleast two years younger than me....we'll see. I mean I like Paramore...isn't that hip enough for you youngsters? lol. j/k. I'm sure I like other bands that she's into....but my favorites aren't probably hers. I keep more early 2000's, in my tastes I guess, that's when I got into this stuff in middle school. Props to Launchcast that's all I have to say.

Bring back, Blame It On Rio, Arto, Take Sides, the orginal Saints Never Surrender line up, Corporate Circus, IMPACT, The Ryan Daniels band.....even Free Parking dammit. I'd love to relive my freshmen year musically. Shows just aren't the same, with all the "scene" kids or whatever. Plus I haven't really even heard about too many kids even going to shows anymore. Our younger local scene is kind of dying. Fort Wayne has bars....that's where all the good artists aside from country heh play. So if you're under 21 you're screwed, unless you want to drive literally hours to go see a good show in the middle of the week on a school night.

Ha a local music rant....I haven't done one of those in forever. I only have to get through 2 more days of school! Yes! Luckily we're finishing up almost everything tommorrow so Friday is going to basically be a free day. I'm going to take my Bourdain book to read; Bone in the Throat, in case you were wondering, and just relajarse haha.

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