Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Moving for the Sake of Motion.

So I'm actually kind of excited about the NCAA tournament this year. If I get bored enough I may even watch a few games. Ha. I might actually have a shot of winning one of my brackets. I have Oklahoma going all the way in my first period one haha so we'll see. And in third period we got randomly assigned two teams and if our team wins we get a gatorade. So I got San Diego blah, and Pittsburgh who possibly could win it...atleast Bobby Knight seems to think so. I just think it'd be funny if I won, because we did these all the time in middle school and my picks were horrible, so maybe...I'll have better luck this year.

Lunch today was disturbing...stupid Kyle's girlfriend having C lunch now. 1 word: WHIPPED. She has that boy wrapped around her fingers. Plus she pets him like a's disturbing. So jokingly Richard goes up to Kyle and starts doing the same thing to him haha and Kyle was like what? Yeah, Jake and Matt want to start and anti-Bree website because Kyle acts totally different around her and it's annoying. Not too mention I don't need to see groping and making out while I'm eating....thanks.

Our new warm ups in Lifetime sports...killer. Three laps, karaoke, but kicks, high knees, some weird ass inch worm thing...very summer gymy. Plus I did a mile on the tredmill today haha that was before we did brackets and played a bit of soccer.

Oh and watched Bill Clinton's live speech from the Grand Wayne Center last night, in my opinion he's a pretty awesome public speaker, he actually kept my attention the whole hour he talked. I'm not even registered to vote though uhh whoops ha. My friend Jordan got her picture taken with him and touched his hand haha. She's going to see Hillary Friday in Terra Haute I guess? I don't know she's going down there for a college visits and Hillary is supposedly going to be there that day as well. It'd be cool to meet a president, current or former...someday I will...just you wait.

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