Sunday, March 23, 2008

Could I Be Possibly Insane?

Part of me is scared shitless of being majorly ill. Part of me wants the attention. I have this sick twisted dream sometimes on a nightly basis of being majorly ill. Certain people come and visit me and take care of me. Certain people don't, and the people that do make those people feel guilty. God, I'm a horrible person.

Am I that selfish? If I ever do get sick like that....don't give me any more attention than you do now. I'd feel guilty, and somehow you'd be playing into my selfish twisted fantasies. So you know, basically don't call, don't write, don't make any plans....just let me be a prisioner of my own mind. Don't include you already are doing. It's nothing new to me. I'm not trying to steal you away from anyone...I promise.

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