Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I want to ride my bicycle...

As Erin's dad drove us home today...her car is in the shop yet again, we past the gas station. $3.45. Freakin' nuts. It was $3.28 this morning. I'm glad I don't have a car. Seriously. This is ridiculous. Especially here...I went down to Indy this past summer and into Ohio and gas was cheaper both places. My reasoning? Everybody in this damn city drives. Our bus system sucks...if we would improve that, put in some more rapid transit in the form of light rail that'd be great. But it'll never happen. We had that once here....way back in the day, we had trolleys and such but they tore all of it out and paved over it. DUMB x100.

Seriously once the weather warms up I'm using my bike even more so than last summer. A) obviously less gas consumption. B) Good workout C) More Fun D) I just got that new bike last year might as well put some mega miles on it. Probably won't be riding downtown by my lonesome on the river greenway but on the weekends with the rents possibly. Me and the bro's trips will probably be limited to Georgetown, but that's cool because there's a lot of stuff up there...library, scotts, dollar movies, various places to eat ect. I'll strap on my little backpack I got for transporting gym shiz and load it up with water bottles, chewy bars, and sunscreen and we're good to go for awhile.

Spring Break Outing may not go down, and frankly I don't blame it for not going down. Driving an hour for some tasty burgers may not be worth the gas. Yeah, gas is supposed to go up to atleast $4 by June. It's probably a good thing we're not going to Cedar Point that's practically double what we payed last year. In the past 7 years gas has gone from a dollar something to this...what the hell?!? Whatever, the only places I really need to go are school and graduation haha, and then orentation this summer and then moving in...I may be down there until Thanksgiving but oh well right? heh. It'd be cheaper to mail me a Walmart giftcard to buy some food than driving down. Or just buy me a case of Ramen and we're good right?!? haha. They're still 13 cents a package.

On a lighter note, I'm super stoked to play soccer again in P.E. Even though my left ankle is a bit swollen and sore I really don't care. I just hope I don't get chewed out too bad in first period by Danely for our group not doing our project....either that or I'm hoping somebody BS's the whole thing and saves our asses.

Sarah...attempting to change the world one blog, one bike ride, one action at a time...haha I'm lame.

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