Sunday, March 09, 2008

Go Me.

Surely cleaning has to be considered some kind of work out haha, I'm sore and tired and kinda sweaty lol. I cleaned my room today. Seriously this is the cleanest it's been since..err oh I know since Jenny came over to my house one day after school and my mom cleaned it for me haha. But this time I did it myself and yes it could still use work but I can walk..I have carpet...and my big trash can outside is full and trash pick up isn't until Wednesday So this is very liveable for now. Plus I don't know when I'll be motivated enough again to clean like this. I didn't find any stubstansial cash but I did find a nice fleece in my closet haha, now the weather will probably warm up and I'll have to wait till next fall to wear it but that really wouldn't be such a bad thing.

I also hung up some pictures/posters as I found them..haha. So my walls are slightly more covered than before. My room still has the well lived in look but hey...atleast it doesn't have the hit by a hurricane in need of a fema trailer look anymore. I'm still missing my NFG This Disaster Live in London DVD which seems to have dropped off the face of the earth. Which pisses me off. Also my Brand New, Your Favorite Weapon CD is still missing. Gah. They've both got to be around here somewhere.

Going off on a completely different tangent. I really hope we play soccer again tommorrow in lifetime sports. I had a blast Friday, plus Ms. J put me on a team with Kyle, Mickey, Richard, Corbin, and Evan(Jerry)....we're pretty awesome. Considering three of us have played soccer previously. I was sore the next day but much fun. I got into it too...haha they were surprised at how agressive I was compared to when we play basketball or whatever.

This week should be awesome too. Or atleast I'm going to make sure it's awesome anyways. Even though we have finals Thursday and Friday. But oh well, that means 9 weeks to go!!! This time of year usually drags but thankfully not this year. Super stoked about lots of stuff right now...even though some stuff with certain people are not good....or atleast not as good as they were. Anyways....I'm going to go rest....because I worked my ass off since I woke up this morning.

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