Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter. Not that it was celebrated.

I had to go to church this morning to video tape. It went fine. It just doesn't feel like Easter to me. There was no family gathering. I got home my dad handed out a couple of kit-kats and a chocolate bunny each to my brother and that was it. Whoo. Go us. I made easymac(by the way the italian line is great for a dollar haha), watched ER and then fell asleep. What a day.

As of now I'm pretty sure I don't have anything aside from shorts to wear to school tommorrow. Yeah some how my laundry was neglected. I know, you're sayingl; "Sarah you're almost 18 do your own damn laundry you lazy ass!" Ha easier said than done. I can't do laundry when there are wet clothes still sitting the machine waiting to be dried. Ah well it's supposed to be 41 tommorrow haha. My brother doesn't even have school tommorrow so why his laundry got priority over mine is beyond me.

Yeah. Let's screw Sarah over, no laundry for you. No college for you. (seriously it's up in the air depending on finacial aid sucks x100.) My good vibes have gone sour. Next thing I'l find out is that no nothing next week for the b-day. My 15th birthday was that way. No cake, no nothing. Just me at a funeral home surrounded by a lot of people I didn't even know. I'll be lucky to have a cake, or a few discs of ER to watch that day. Oh you know and some easymac. Happy 18th, Sarah.

God I'm negative today, sorry. I don't feel well. But what's new? I'm frustrated with everything. With my pre-calc, with my damn left side, with my dreams....just everything. Sometimes I wish I could just sleep forever. It'd be a whole lot better than dealing with things. Because sometimes, dreams are better than reality.

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