Tuesday, March 04, 2008

So I Guess This is Growing Up.

I'm getting serious about this whole getting a job thing. I'm getting all my info together tonight so I can start applying places hopefully weather permitting tommorrow. I'm going to try again for the summer library posistions which if I get the teen reader position that would be great because you only work 4 hours a day Monday through Friday so I could still do weddings all summer. But I'm also planning on applying at Scotts, Ritters, Subway, Wendy's, Hardees, Fish of Stroh...and possibly Bandidos but I don't know how I'd do at a busy resteraunt, especially if I was a waitress. I'm a bit clumsly haha. Oh and Papa Johns, Ace Hardware, Dicky's....or maybe even that gym by the bar lol. I'm not even going to bother applying at the tanning salons. I figure I'm not a very good person to be working there since I'm so pale....oh and I forgot about the coffee places, I'll apply there too...one of them has to atleast give me an interview right? Ah... this part of growing up sucks.

Can't I just go back to the days where 10 bucks was a lot of money, and a huge deal to have? But I have to get these aps in before all the college kids come back home over Spring Break. The only thing is that I'll be under 18 for what 3 more weeks so I have to go through the hassle of gettinga work permit if I get hired before then...and one of the things there is attendance. I know I've only missed 7 days but I got that letter sent home....is that considered an attendance problem? I hope not because I'll be pissed if that's the case. Plus I realized today we only have 10 weeks left of school. Exciting! Time has seriously just flown by this year. Oh and I guess "birthday events" now depend on wether or not I have a job by then and have to work. I'm hoping for the best and saying I will have one by then..but we'll see. We have all Spring Break week so I'm sure we can find a time regardless to go...again weather permitting. This snow shit is getting really old.

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