Monday, March 31, 2008

March Always Ends Well...

Probably because my birthday closes out the month. Just some random stats for today;
Number of weird ass truck drivers waving and honking at us: 1
Number of cities/town in: 3
Number of pictures taken: 11 lol
Number of White Castles consumed total: 6 (3 each plus fries)
Number of times we got lost: 2
Miles driven: Roughly 200
Number of crazy limos seen: 1

So that was my day in stat form. We ended up going to Muncie on the way home to check out their mall. Obviously everyone was in school because man was that mall DEAD, save for the few powerwalking old people or the ones who all sat at the benches that faced eachother just talking. When all is said and done, I ate too much today and I feel like I shouldn't move. So tommorrow I hope it's not raining so I can either get my bike out or go running before or after applying for jobs. Serioulsy if I ate like this everyday...god I don't even want to think about it. Oatmeal tommorrow kidz for sure. Anywho, birthdays just seem to be getting better, the only thing that could possibly top the night off would be hanging out with Matt and the guys haha, I seriously need to hangout with them sometime outside of school.

Alright well my lazy ass self is going to go do something else so that's all for me this March guys. Bring on April!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spring Break First 2 Official Days.

Yesterday just hungout played some N64 (haha old school right?) Then went over to the grandparent's house for dinner & birthday cake. Got a Sears giftcard so we headed over there today. I got some pants, shorts, a jumper, and shirt. Yepppp. It's my last day as a minor ahh!

Tommorrow is the DAY! Yes! Then Tuesday I'm going to go apply for jobs at Georgetown, for real this time granted it isn't raining cats and dogs. Speaking of jobs once I get a job (I'm thinking positively about this.) I need to purchase a few items, low top chucks, ipod shufflicious(lol)..and that's pretty much it for now. Most of it is going to go to the college thing. But I figure err 90 bucks for some enjoyment won't be that bad. I should be good on clothes for awhile aside from picking up some cheap tanks at either walmart or mejier. Then I just have to get a comforter, a new pillow, my laptop(*fingers crossed*), some bathroom stuff and I'll be ready to go.

So yeah, I'm pretty stoked for about a million and a half things right now. Let's hope everything goes as planned this week...including Wednesday and hanging out with Joshers. No rain on that day either pleassse. Ok well I'm going to stop before I sound even more lame and cheezy.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring Break 1st 8ish hours.

It felt amazing walking out of that school building today. Knowing that this is Spring Break, 08'. Spring Break, Senior Year. Sure the weather isn't supposed to be great, the temperatures aren't even supposed to surpass 50 degrees, (gotta love Indiana weather right? ha.) But dammit I'm totally looking forward to all of this. It started really in 4th period. We lounged around had a few laughs and played cards, what's not to like about that? Plus I got a 94 on my Pre-Calc test. YES KIDS. MY LIFE RULES RIGHT NOW.

I have a life this year. Maybe not a huge one, but more so of one than years previous. I have plans with people, actual friends, not just family. Matt wants me to go out on my birthday, buy cigars, get a tatoo of a White Castle burger haha and then go to White Castle at 4 in the morning. I just laughed. I'm not that wild. Plus I'm not into smoking and what not. Plus a tatoo of a sandwhich? Eh, I think I'll spend my money else where first.

I'm going to live this week up, I'm not going to let myself sit around, even if it is supposed to rain...haha. Or if I am stuck inside I'll do something worthwhile. Relax for sure though. I'm looking forward to not having to wake up at 6:30 every morning. Sooo nice. Maybe watch ER every morning on TNT. We'll see if the TV is occupado. Let's hope the next 9 days are as amazing as I hope them to be.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I Liked You Better A Year Ago....

It's been a good day, for the most part. Especially for music. On a whim I downloaded Icky Thump by The White Stripes. I'm lovin' it to say the least. Plus I also decided to see what music was left on my D drive leftover from God...freshmen year on my old computer. Found some oldies but goodies. Blame It On Rio...yes! Their whole first album and the pop-punkiness goodness. Yeah those were the good old days of going to shows almost every weekend. Before all the bands I wanted to see either broke up or changed members and their sound so much that wasn't even worth going anymore. Sure we have The Method To My Medium now but sorry, I'm not into them. I bring that up because I was reading the bands that Bree had listed on her binder and I realized I definately wasn't even into any of them. She had The Method To My Medium listed...I thought about saying hey you like.....I liked em' back in the day when they were still Blame It On Rio and even saw em' live a few times. But I figured she'd just roll her eyes or something and think I'm lying so I just kept my mouth shut, maybe another day, I'll have a music conversation with a girl who's atleast two years younger than me....we'll see. I mean I like Paramore...isn't that hip enough for you youngsters? lol. j/k. I'm sure I like other bands that she's into....but my favorites aren't probably hers. I keep more early 2000's, in my tastes I guess, that's when I got into this stuff in middle school. Props to Launchcast that's all I have to say.

Bring back, Blame It On Rio, Arto, Take Sides, the orginal Saints Never Surrender line up, Corporate Circus, IMPACT, The Ryan Daniels band.....even Free Parking dammit. I'd love to relive my freshmen year musically. Shows just aren't the same, with all the "scene" kids or whatever. Plus I haven't really even heard about too many kids even going to shows anymore. Our younger local scene is kind of dying. Fort Wayne has bars....that's where all the good artists aside from country heh play. So if you're under 21 you're screwed, unless you want to drive literally hours to go see a good show in the middle of the week on a school night.

Ha a local music rant....I haven't done one of those in forever. I only have to get through 2 more days of school! Yes! Luckily we're finishing up almost everything tommorrow so Friday is going to basically be a free day. I'm going to take my Bourdain book to read; Bone in the Throat, in case you were wondering, and just relajarse haha.

Monday, March 24, 2008

And It All Just Fits...

So, I could literally hit myself for saying some things that I said yesterday blogging. Because today some good stuff happened. First off, as of now; I have two prom dates haha. They kinda just asked if they both could take me together haha. So I was like sure. I'm hopefully going with Matt and Jake. Just as friends of course. I told my mom and she flipped out on me. What!?! You're going with TWO boys now?!? I need to meet them. All they're going to want to do is have sex with you and get you pregnant. I HAVE to meet them beforehand. Thanks for the trust. I will be 18 next Monday, yeah not 14. I think I can handle myself. Monday is a GO. Yes. Just a little worried that the Daleville location isn't opened anymore. Because mapquest wouldn't give me directions...but google maps would and on the corporate website it's still there but we'll see. Just incase I'm googling directions from Daleville to Anderson which isn't too much farther. I always like to have directions just in case even though it is pretty much a straight shot South.

I have a lot of pre-calc homework to do tonight. For real. I spent most of the period talking to Matt and Jake and copying the top part of the worksheet which actually helped me understand what I need to do on tonight's homework. Plus I really should start studying for my Espanol test but we know that's not going to happen ha. Plus I'm leaving in a little bit for the library and the bike store to get ball barings lol for my dad's clock? haha. Don't ask. Greek premires tonight too gah. Even though I probably won't watch it until tommorrow when it's posted online, since I don't get that channel in my room. Yay, for an improved attitude towards things. Seriously being around my peers some how always makes my attitude better. Being stuck at home is seriously bad for me.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Could I Be Possibly Insane?

Part of me is scared shitless of being majorly ill. Part of me wants the attention. I have this sick twisted dream sometimes on a nightly basis of being majorly ill. Certain people come and visit me and take care of me. Certain people don't, and the people that do make those people feel guilty. God, I'm a horrible person.

Am I that selfish? If I ever do get sick like that....don't give me any more attention than you do now. I'd feel guilty, and somehow you'd be playing into my selfish twisted fantasies. So you know, basically don't call, don't write, don't make any plans....just let me be a prisioner of my own mind. Don't include you already are doing. It's nothing new to me. I'm not trying to steal you away from anyone...I promise.
Easter. Not that it was celebrated.

I had to go to church this morning to video tape. It went fine. It just doesn't feel like Easter to me. There was no family gathering. I got home my dad handed out a couple of kit-kats and a chocolate bunny each to my brother and that was it. Whoo. Go us. I made easymac(by the way the italian line is great for a dollar haha), watched ER and then fell asleep. What a day.

As of now I'm pretty sure I don't have anything aside from shorts to wear to school tommorrow. Yeah some how my laundry was neglected. I know, you're sayingl; "Sarah you're almost 18 do your own damn laundry you lazy ass!" Ha easier said than done. I can't do laundry when there are wet clothes still sitting the machine waiting to be dried. Ah well it's supposed to be 41 tommorrow haha. My brother doesn't even have school tommorrow so why his laundry got priority over mine is beyond me.

Yeah. Let's screw Sarah over, no laundry for you. No college for you. (seriously it's up in the air depending on finacial aid sucks x100.) My good vibes have gone sour. Next thing I'l find out is that no nothing next week for the b-day. My 15th birthday was that way. No cake, no nothing. Just me at a funeral home surrounded by a lot of people I didn't even know. I'll be lucky to have a cake, or a few discs of ER to watch that day. Oh you know and some easymac. Happy 18th, Sarah.

God I'm negative today, sorry. I don't feel well. But what's new? I'm frustrated with everything. With my pre-calc, with my damn left side, with my dreams....just everything. Sometimes I wish I could just sleep forever. It'd be a whole lot better than dealing with things. Because sometimes, dreams are better than reality.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Meet Me in the Middle.

Yet another new banner, I think this is the 4th one? I have them all in a photobucket somewhere. Someday I'll make something good on photoshop but for now I just threw it together in 10 minutes tops because I'm lazy like that.

I now officially have a cold. I don't think it'll be anything more than that. Plus it's not that bad...more of a nuisance than anything else. As long as it doesn't get any worse I'm ok with it. Extreme weather changes all the time are throwing all our bodies for a loop. Lets take this time to applaud Indiana weather...BOO.

I went this morning to Best Buy and got my HD converter box for my Farmer 5 TV in my room. I'm up to 12 channels now haha. I wish our stupid local Fox affiliate would get their act together though. They're not digital yet so I have to switch over to the analog signal to get Fox, which is annoying. But I now can watch Jerry Springer in the middle of the day, what more could I possibly want? haha. By the way if you need a box and haven't signed up for the government coupon get on that....40 bucks off is great especially if you don't want to pay the original $60 price. I paid $23 out of pocket and got reward zone points. Now I just need some birthday cash to start flowing in so I can buy some other clothes items I had in mind heh.

Good things are happening. Fun things. Things that make me smile. Aside from this cold, a burnt tongue lol, and the weather, life is good.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Moving for the Sake of Motion.

So I'm actually kind of excited about the NCAA tournament this year. If I get bored enough I may even watch a few games. Ha. I might actually have a shot of winning one of my brackets. I have Oklahoma going all the way in my first period one haha so we'll see. And in third period we got randomly assigned two teams and if our team wins we get a gatorade. So I got San Diego blah, and Pittsburgh who possibly could win it...atleast Bobby Knight seems to think so. I just think it'd be funny if I won, because we did these all the time in middle school and my picks were horrible, so maybe...I'll have better luck this year.

Lunch today was disturbing...stupid Kyle's girlfriend having C lunch now. 1 word: WHIPPED. She has that boy wrapped around her fingers. Plus she pets him like a's disturbing. So jokingly Richard goes up to Kyle and starts doing the same thing to him haha and Kyle was like what? Yeah, Jake and Matt want to start and anti-Bree website because Kyle acts totally different around her and it's annoying. Not too mention I don't need to see groping and making out while I'm eating....thanks.

Our new warm ups in Lifetime sports...killer. Three laps, karaoke, but kicks, high knees, some weird ass inch worm thing...very summer gymy. Plus I did a mile on the tredmill today haha that was before we did brackets and played a bit of soccer.

Oh and watched Bill Clinton's live speech from the Grand Wayne Center last night, in my opinion he's a pretty awesome public speaker, he actually kept my attention the whole hour he talked. I'm not even registered to vote though uhh whoops ha. My friend Jordan got her picture taken with him and touched his hand haha. She's going to see Hillary Friday in Terra Haute I guess? I don't know she's going down there for a college visits and Hillary is supposedly going to be there that day as well. It'd be cool to meet a president, current or former...someday I will...just you wait.

Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm not alone cause the Tv's on yeah....I'm not Crazy cuz I take the right pills...

So we went down to the Embassy tonight for that BSU thing. Waste of time. The place was jammed. Literally standing room only. I grabbed my free shirt and got out dude. Seriously if we have any questions I'll ask somebody I know down there or call em' or something. Why the hell they come to the Fort where like a 3rd of BSU's student population comes from haha and book the hotel lobby of the Embassy is beyond me. They should've gone for the Grand Wayne was sitting across the street empty. Well...seeing as Bill Clinton is coming there tommorrow night it probably would've had to been moved anyways. But whatever....get a school gym somewhere people..seriously. Don't waste my time and gas with some lame ass informal reception. A whole bunch of people just walked and said screw it.

I hate to say this but I may be coming down with Bronchitis case numero 3. I've got some mucus going on in the chest's not too bad at all right now but I know it'll only get worse. Stupid people getting me sick again. I'm seriously tired of Bronchitis, it can kiss my ass. Because you know how much I enjoy coughing up a lung every few this case not even a month ago wtf!?!

Today was kinda blah, I'm glad after tommorrow the week is half over. It just wasn't as fun, I don't know I was tired and my left hip hurt like hell. Then in gym playing wiffle ball I landed on my left ankle and it hurt for awhile but now it seems to be ok heh. Plus I didn't really have anything to say to anyone. It's rainy and cold again...I can't go back to this. Sarah needs a blood test to check for possible anemia or an immune system problem...and a head check. Only thing is I'm only willing to have the blood checked and that scares the shit out of me....because I'm not even going to talk about the other option that a blood test could show...let's just say it would probably involve withdrawing from school and no college. But obviously I think too much. Or lets just hope it's anemia or mono...I can deal with that shit ha. Although I have no clue as to how I would've gotten mono...heh. No action over here kidz. All I know is that my immune system sucks especially this past school year, I have never gotten this sick in one school year before.

Bring me chicken soup....some dvds and we'll chill in my newly clean room. I have exactly two ways to get this illness out of the way..I don't want to be coughing up a lung on my birthday. Because then I wouldn't even go. Coughing like that makes my stomach all ucky, and I live off of cheerios and water ha. I need to go to this stupid Pre-Calc. Only nine weeks...hang in there.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

You Would Take the Breath From My Throat...

So I just made my blog reading rounds and I checked Mark Hoppus' blog, he was in Warsaw/Goshen, Indiana area at the begining of this month?! whattt?!? Soooo close to me. Craziness. In fact he might've even flown in to the Fort....if not Chi-town. It really is a small world.

I haven't had any "good" blogs lately. They've all been blah. Atleast they have been to me. I guess I've just been busy with school stuff and new seasons of shows. Top Chef and Gene Simmons Family Jewels...yeah. I got my housing contract for BSU yesterday in the mail, and that reception thing at the Embassy is tommorrow night if we even go it's up in the air right now.

I kind of feel like I'm back-pedaling. I've come a long way since wow January ha, and now it all may be falling apart again. I don't want to go back to that, I can't. Atleast now...I'm not trapped, I can go out...and not have to trudge through snow...I have some just be out in the open and get out of my room. I need more energy, there needs to be more hours in the day, I need reassurance, I need to see someone...I need to stop expecting the worst. But maybe...I'm just selfish and those are all wants. I know I shouldn't run, but sometimes it just feels like the best thing to do.

Friday, March 14, 2008

My Attendance is Bad but my Intentions are Good.

Albums I have gotten my hands on but have yet to listen to:
Texas by PlayRadioPlay!
As Cruel As School Children The Match-Up
The A-B Theory: Illusions EP

Yeahhhh I got towels and sheets today... and more bruises from soccer today in class.

I thinking I'm getting yet another cold....I hate being sick. I guess that's what I get for busted out the shorts not once....but twice this week. Oh yeah...haha hey today it was 57! But it supposed to snow tommorrow just flurries and possible significant snow sometime next I'm tired...and I don't have anything else to say.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I want to ride my bicycle...

As Erin's dad drove us home today...her car is in the shop yet again, we past the gas station. $3.45. Freakin' nuts. It was $3.28 this morning. I'm glad I don't have a car. Seriously. This is ridiculous. Especially here...I went down to Indy this past summer and into Ohio and gas was cheaper both places. My reasoning? Everybody in this damn city drives. Our bus system sucks...if we would improve that, put in some more rapid transit in the form of light rail that'd be great. But it'll never happen. We had that once here....way back in the day, we had trolleys and such but they tore all of it out and paved over it. DUMB x100.

Seriously once the weather warms up I'm using my bike even more so than last summer. A) obviously less gas consumption. B) Good workout C) More Fun D) I just got that new bike last year might as well put some mega miles on it. Probably won't be riding downtown by my lonesome on the river greenway but on the weekends with the rents possibly. Me and the bro's trips will probably be limited to Georgetown, but that's cool because there's a lot of stuff up there...library, scotts, dollar movies, various places to eat ect. I'll strap on my little backpack I got for transporting gym shiz and load it up with water bottles, chewy bars, and sunscreen and we're good to go for awhile.

Spring Break Outing may not go down, and frankly I don't blame it for not going down. Driving an hour for some tasty burgers may not be worth the gas. Yeah, gas is supposed to go up to atleast $4 by June. It's probably a good thing we're not going to Cedar Point that's practically double what we payed last year. In the past 7 years gas has gone from a dollar something to this...what the hell?!? Whatever, the only places I really need to go are school and graduation haha, and then orentation this summer and then moving in...I may be down there until Thanksgiving but oh well right? heh. It'd be cheaper to mail me a Walmart giftcard to buy some food than driving down. Or just buy me a case of Ramen and we're good right?!? haha. They're still 13 cents a package.

On a lighter note, I'm super stoked to play soccer again in P.E. Even though my left ankle is a bit swollen and sore I really don't care. I just hope I don't get chewed out too bad in first period by Danely for our group not doing our project....either that or I'm hoping somebody BS's the whole thing and saves our asses.

Sarah...attempting to change the world one blog, one bike ride, one action at a time...haha I'm lame.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

I Almost Forgot!

After all he did send me stickers and such! Yay for March Birthdays!
Go Me.

Surely cleaning has to be considered some kind of work out haha, I'm sore and tired and kinda sweaty lol. I cleaned my room today. Seriously this is the cleanest it's been since..err oh I know since Jenny came over to my house one day after school and my mom cleaned it for me haha. But this time I did it myself and yes it could still use work but I can walk..I have carpet...and my big trash can outside is full and trash pick up isn't until Wednesday So this is very liveable for now. Plus I don't know when I'll be motivated enough again to clean like this. I didn't find any stubstansial cash but I did find a nice fleece in my closet haha, now the weather will probably warm up and I'll have to wait till next fall to wear it but that really wouldn't be such a bad thing.

I also hung up some pictures/posters as I found them..haha. So my walls are slightly more covered than before. My room still has the well lived in look but hey...atleast it doesn't have the hit by a hurricane in need of a fema trailer look anymore. I'm still missing my NFG This Disaster Live in London DVD which seems to have dropped off the face of the earth. Which pisses me off. Also my Brand New, Your Favorite Weapon CD is still missing. Gah. They've both got to be around here somewhere.

Going off on a completely different tangent. I really hope we play soccer again tommorrow in lifetime sports. I had a blast Friday, plus Ms. J put me on a team with Kyle, Mickey, Richard, Corbin, and Evan(Jerry)....we're pretty awesome. Considering three of us have played soccer previously. I was sore the next day but much fun. I got into it too...haha they were surprised at how agressive I was compared to when we play basketball or whatever.

This week should be awesome too. Or atleast I'm going to make sure it's awesome anyways. Even though we have finals Thursday and Friday. But oh well, that means 9 weeks to go!!! This time of year usually drags but thankfully not this year. Super stoked about lots of stuff right now...even though some stuff with certain people are not good....or atleast not as good as they were. Anyways....I'm going to go rest....because I worked my ass off since I woke up this morning.

Saturday, March 08, 2008


The Bro's birthday....haha. And album art for new NFG/ISHC. Pretty Excited.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

It's Always Winter, But Never Christmas.

I'm not going to talk about school or finding a job aside from the fact that we didn't have school today due to 7 inches of snow and more is on the way tonight. Winter sucks. It's hard to imagine it hopefully be 70 degrees within the next 10ish weeks.

Can I just say how much I missed lunch at school today? The people anyways? Seriously even though yesterday the guys were talking about masturbation and how often they did it lol, and how their Dad's sorta gave em' the sex talk. Then they started mention at what age they began doing this and they go 12ish and I'm going greaattt my brother turns 12 on Saturday and they just laugh. I think my brother is kind of behind in that department though. So we'll see. Not that I want to see. And luckily I'll be gone through most of his ackward teen years. He'll be what 16 when I graduate college? yeah.

We also sat with this new girl, not new just new to our table, Paige and she mentioned that we were all nice because we talked to her and included her. I don't know we're all just that way...that's what I like about our lunch table. She of course asks if I'm a Senior and Kyle goes yeah Sarah she's just a small senior lol. I guess I'd rather be known as a small senior than the big one.

Yeah, I hope life stays this way. Me being happy about pretty much everything. Right now nothing is bringing me down. I like it this way. I'm glad I got past those rough times....things are normalizing again. I don't have to be afraid. I don't have to keep my guard up. I can learn to trust and love again. Sure college is going to take adaptation but as long as I keep feeling like this I know I can make the transistion without stressing about it too much. Seriously Sarah loves life right now and people can tell because everyone just seems more fun and are willing to hangout with you and talk to you if you're sending them good vibes I think. Now all I need to be completely content is for lastfm to start working again. gr. Lots of cached tracks.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

So I Guess This is Growing Up.

I'm getting serious about this whole getting a job thing. I'm getting all my info together tonight so I can start applying places hopefully weather permitting tommorrow. I'm going to try again for the summer library posistions which if I get the teen reader position that would be great because you only work 4 hours a day Monday through Friday so I could still do weddings all summer. But I'm also planning on applying at Scotts, Ritters, Subway, Wendy's, Hardees, Fish of Stroh...and possibly Bandidos but I don't know how I'd do at a busy resteraunt, especially if I was a waitress. I'm a bit clumsly haha. Oh and Papa Johns, Ace Hardware, Dicky's....or maybe even that gym by the bar lol. I'm not even going to bother applying at the tanning salons. I figure I'm not a very good person to be working there since I'm so pale....oh and I forgot about the coffee places, I'll apply there of them has to atleast give me an interview right? Ah... this part of growing up sucks.

Can't I just go back to the days where 10 bucks was a lot of money, and a huge deal to have? But I have to get these aps in before all the college kids come back home over Spring Break. The only thing is that I'll be under 18 for what 3 more weeks so I have to go through the hassle of gettinga work permit if I get hired before then...and one of the things there is attendance. I know I've only missed 7 days but I got that letter sent that considered an attendance problem? I hope not because I'll be pissed if that's the case. Plus I realized today we only have 10 weeks left of school. Exciting! Time has seriously just flown by this year. Oh and I guess "birthday events" now depend on wether or not I have a job by then and have to work. I'm hoping for the best and saying I will have one by then..but we'll see. We have all Spring Break week so I'm sure we can find a time regardless to go...again weather permitting. This snow shit is getting really old.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Sarah In a Dress....