Saturday, August 30, 2008

Down at the Base.

Hi! Thank God for laptops and wifi. I'm sitting here hanging out with Adam and Marc down in their room. Adam is playing PS2 and Marc is online on Adam's laptop. Needless to say BSU is pretty dead right now, with a lot of people heading home for the long weekend. So there's not much to do. So we've been hanging out all day. We have to go eat before 7:30 though because that's when everything closes ha. Great huh? Plus Sunday and this Monday the buses aren't running haha, so tommorrow I'll probably do a lot of homework, well not really a lot just mostly reading and studying a bit, and catch up more on my Hulu vids.

Gossip Girl Monday! haha yes! I've looked it up and we have two CW's on our cable here in Muncie. Pretty stoked about that. Then Tuesday it's back to classes...uh yay...heh.

Yeah I'm pretty freakin' bored right now if you couldn't tell. This floor is alive and kicking I'll give you that, all these guys are playing video games quite loudly...or watching sports and cheering quite loudly. Our floor upstairs is dead...I've barely seen anyone up there.

We went and saw Iron Man last night for free...good movie. Sitting on the ground can be annoying though. Tonight we'll probably go to Late Night just to have something to do. Ok well I'm going to play a game or something.

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