Monday, August 11, 2008

9 Days Left

Late last night and into the early morning I talked to Tom. We talked mostly about his relationships or lack of relationships with girls. And a once mutual friend of ours that we've pretty much given up on. I hate to see this person throwing their life away already. After all it's only just begun...but ultimately it's their choice to do what they do and push people away from them. All I know is that I can't go down that road again with someone, not so soon. I've finally moved on...and I'm not about to go through it all again with someone else. Plus I leave for school in like 9 days. So I'm not about to get myself in some drama here and then just leave.

Anyways while I was eating my Brunch haha, you know when I eat my breakfast food for lunch, cheerios and some amazing cinnamon raisin toast that we got for 79 cents,yeah tasty...I was watching the got me thinking about the last summer Olympics in 04'. I don't remember much about those games aside from Micheal Phelps winning a whole bunch and the Hamm brothers...oh and watching Ping Pong in World History one day haha.

This is random but last night my Dad accidentally dropped a brand new full bottle of steak sauce on my foot and now I have a huge bruise...ehhhh. Oh and my new hair is working out wonderfully maintenance wise. I love not having to do much with it. It can be a pain riding in the mini with the windows down and the sunroof open but I won't be doing that too much longer anyways.

I better go force myself to read that stupid book again....I know I said I would have it finished by Friday...but obviously that didn't happen heh. Only 70 pages to go!

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