Thursday, September 04, 2008

Thursday Recap.

So since I've last posted it's been eventful but I have to leave for class fairly soon so this is going to be a bullet point recap.

-Went to Indy this past weekend for a PS3 haha we had nothing better to do.
-Classes have seem kinda slow but the week has been flying by at the same time.
-Doing fairly well in all of my classes
-My parents almost drove down here Tuesday night...gah.
-Went to the Mall yesterday got 3 BSU shirts...hey Buy 1 Get 2 free...not a bad deal
-Buffets on campus are amazing.....
-Celebrated Jen's Birthday
-Movie Night this Weekend.
-Been hanging with the boys a lot
-Going to the football game vs. Navy if we all don't change our minds again...definately eating before we go this time haha.
-My t-com prof is amazing...nuff' said.
-T-com Super Party and Cru tonight...

That's about it.....I think.

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