Thursday, August 14, 2008

I Guess Everybody and Everythinng Are Changing

So new blogger dashboard layout, whoa. Plus new facebook layout that I'm not really into all that much, the only aspect that facebook added that I like is the IM....niftyness. Except Tom has informed me that when I do my tabbed multi-tasking browsing and switch tabs it says I've logged off....but aside from that pretty nifty. Plus I hear APnet is also going to be revamped in the near future. I suppose change and new innovative features and new looks are always a good thing.

I behaved today when we went to Kohls, I saw some sweaters I wanted, luckily I didn't have any money on me...haha I thought about asking my mom to pay for them out of some of my grad money but I restrained myself. Even when I saw the I Love Chuck Bass shirt, I figured it'd make me look very...umm...middle schooly. haha. Now if it was an I Love Dan Humphrey shirt I would've bought it...because on the show he's wayyy better looking in my opinion than Chuck. "Ugh, Damn that Mother Chucker..." haha previews....I seriously better be able to find somewhere online to watch GG when it comes on in a couple of weeks.

I'm trying to save my money for unforseen expenses that I can't purchase at Walmart, my mom is getting me a giftcard that she can reload from home...haha. Like you know....entertainment...and....I dunno software, or...clothes when I shrink them all in the wash because most of my clothes haven't been dried in a dryer in ages. Oh and Kohls had these awesome button down quarter length/long sleeve umm...I want to say flannel but that's not what they're made out of...but you know what I mean? Yeah...I need a job, but I've been saying that for the past four years...I've stuck to focusing on being a student, which I think I should continue to do atleast through this first semester.

Just downloaded a Ben Kweller album after hearing a song by him on my lastfm reccomendations radio...good stuff. I'm also trying to find I'm Like A Virgin Losing a Child by Manchester Orchestra, anybody want to help me out? This torrent is getting me seeders, and albumhunt doesn't have it. I'm loading up on music, because the next chance I'll get to download will probably be Thanksgiving break. Maybe....yikes I'm taking this powerstrip with me....oh man...this is not good. Ah, I just realized that. Shoot. I really don't want to use Ruckus....maybe I'll breakdown and buy itunes cards...heh. I really don't want to take the chance of getting caught using the sites I use to download and getting expelled over something like that. My parents would kill me...probably literally.

Alright well I've wasted entirely too much time on the computer yet again, so tis all for me tonight.

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