Monday, August 04, 2008

Some One Please Save Us....As College Kids...

I'm kind of stressed out right now. So pardon my venting. First off I put my laundry in the wash this morning at like 9ish. By the time it's done I look outside and dark clouds are looming. big deal just wait for the storms to pass. They've passed but another batch is on the way, so my wet clothes are still in the washer waiting to be hung outside. Yeah our dryer beats spending the money on Natural Gas. Hey...gotta cut corners where you can. So if this storm doesn't move through pretty quick I'm just going to hang them inside like we do in the winter...I don't want them to start stinking.

So then there's this microwave/fridge situation with the roomie. Mostly it's about what our parents are willing to pay...well mine anyways. I hope she won't think I'm this impossible person to get along with just because I can be frugal and hold out for deals. We shall see what my mom says when I call her in a little bit.

Oh....and I still have to read the freshman connections reader...blah. A whole book about global warming....yippee. I've set goals though, 2 chapters a day, should get me finished by Friday. All of this has caused a slight headache and my stomach to be well...stressed. Not panic attack stressed but noticably stressed. I know it's all pretty much lame stuff I'm stressed about, I guess I have nothing bigger to stress about in my life and I'm actually extremely glad about that. But that being said all I really want to do is listen to music....and write. Seriously.

Tommorrow I'm going to ride my bike up to the library weather permitting and then head to Miranda's from there to let her borrow some CD's.

God, I'll be glad when this whole pre-college thing is over and all I have to focus on is school and a social life. Not that I'm getting my hopes for an extremely busy social calendar. I've never had one of those. But I do wish I could relive Thursday...I need more of those Thursdays in my life. Just that feeling of pure elation. Love it.

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