Friday, August 22, 2008

Yawning is Contagious.

My Mom sent me an email today, containing this;

This was my room, I've been gone like two days and my brother has already taken over. Whaaaa!! Well all I have to say is he can't watch TV or play video games because I took the powerstrip that stuff was connected to out and brought it to school with me. He can't get on my computer because I put a password on it...and he best not mess with my CDs.

Anyways the past couple of days have been fun here at school. I've met some more awesome people. I've seen a ton of people from the Fort too. We went out a lot today, I even got sun burnt a little bit. I definately walked the from the castle to our dorm complex in 15 minutes so I'm pretty sure I'll be fine getting to my classes as long as I get to the correct rooms.

Tonight we went and saw a Hypnotist, it was super funny and we had a lot of fun. Tommorrow there's a whole bunch of stuff going on too. Picnics, games, activity fair, and late night. So won't be online much at all this weekend except for maybe awhile in the morning. Because Sunday we have a lot of mandatory freshmen stuff to do. I'm definately going to The Price is Right Sunday night though...and I'm definately getting into it even if I don't make it onstage haha.

Oh, did I mention I got called up onstage during our college road trip assembly thing and won a free flash drive? Hey it's better than nothing! The only bad part is that at this time of night the internet is super slow because so many people are on. I'm luck if I have enough juice to IM half the time...I'm impatient when comes to waiting for pages to load...I'm used to my broadband at home....not sharing wi-fi with a bunch of people.

Alright well....have fun this weekend everybody!

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