Sunday, September 03, 2006

Blahh!!! Being sick sucks, especially the mornings. My head is full of gunk....ha gunk. It's all blow your nose and cough these disgusting coughs that are awful. My family has dubbed them Smoker's coughs because it sounds like I smoke a few packs a day. Which I don't.

See this is what happens when you go back to school. You get sick. Going to school with 2,200 kids isn't helping me stay healthy. I feel bad though because I think I passed my cold on to a couple of teachers. Whoops.

I don't really like school as much as previous years. Probably because it's not as fun. People have told me this year you're not talking as much as you used to. I was like huh? What do you mean? So apparently I don't talk as much as I used to. Probably because I've gotten used to not talking to anyone over the summer. I've gotten used to keeping myself company. I spent the days in my room, reading, writing, watching TV, and on the computer occasionally iming people.
That was pretty much the extent of my summer, excting huh? We didn't do anything, didn't go anywhere. Eh.

There were a few highlight days of my summer where I had fun. I used those when we made our collage you could call it in Drama class. We had to go up on stage and tell the class about them. That was fun. haha.

I don't know the point of that post but eh whatever it's there yeah haha.

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