Thursday, September 28, 2006

It's a Shame...

NFG only sold 31,251 copies of their album the first week. They sold 150,000 + with Catalyst the first week and 90,000+ the first week with Sticks and Stones...gah. That's just wrong. If it wasn't for NFG more than half the bands that are around today wouldn't be doing as well as they are. It sucks it really does. I haven't let any of my friends borrow it..telling them to go buy it. But...I don't think any of them have bought it though. I guess there hasn't been any radio or excessive MTV playage this time around. Ah well they still have loyal freakin' fans.

Plus there's a rumor going around about them doing a Spring Tour with Taking Back Sunday. But sadly I only see people going to see it'd be a co-headlining tour...gah....but people also speculate that Eisley would open. Don't get me wrong if it came to Indy...I'd so be there.

I did notice the lack of copies at Best Buy when I went to get it last Tuesday....of course when I went to get Louder Now, Best Buy was out because they didn't stock enough of them. They only order like 50 copies or something and they sold out before afternoon hit. That was real smart of them. Now the new Dashboard CD that came out in uh..June I think? They had bazillions of copies of that and like everybody in the store was buy it. Why? becaue Dashboard played the Fort in April and people started listening to them again so they could learn the words for the we get new fans....NFG play the Fort! Pleeeeaaaasseee Oh...we'd sell out...I'd buy as many tickets as I could and drag friends along with me...and we'd get there super early right after school to wait in line..if we had school that day...that is. And I'd be seeing NFG with my friends and that would kick so much ass. Definately would get the floor and take someone who's taller with me haha.....Floor isn't too great for short/small people like me. I need to grow like a foot..that'd be perfect. Of course I'd want to get as close as possible so if we were on the barrier..kick ass. Since crowd surfing is band at the is moshing...ahaha Chad would take care of that.

I'm rambling...time to end the entry!

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