Thursday, September 07, 2006

MMmm...New Found Glory

I just have to start off by saying that I think NFG is going to blow up hugely once September 19th rolls around. Especially after all the msyeterious..."whoa NFG NICE!!! or NFG ROCKS!!!!" comments on my web design comment sheets. Oh yes all the "Hardcore", "Scene" kids are getting back into them either that...or they've secretly loved them all along...come on you know you love em'! I've seen people's myspace pages and I always check out the music section and more and more people are listening NFG as a band that's one of their favorites. 12 days! Whoo!

Moving on....I'm pretty much procrastinating right now. I really should be writing my rough draft for Drama....that I should've done yesterday. Whoops. I'm pretty sure I have a decent idea though and have a better direction as to where I'm going with the piece than I did with the picture.

Lunch still sucks...but other than that school is decent. Oh and all the kids in my Web Design class who like The guys rock....GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE! Yes! Randomness tonight so that's it, I need to channel my energy into actually doing something productive now.

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