Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Let's Slit Our Wrists and Burn Down Something Beautiful....

I'm so fed up with going to school it's not even funny. I'm just tired of the way the whole deal is set up and run. It's a joke, it really is.

Today was the biggest waste of time of my life. Isteps started today. I did absolutely nothing. I didn't take a test...I sat there in first period and x'd off names on a list....teacher's or administrative work. In 2nd period which is Spanish we watched a video about sharks...and that's it. That didn't even take up the whole period. Third period we just sat there. We just took notes 4th period and that's it.

You want to know the joke though? The students. The students have no respect for anyone or anything. Some do, most don't. They think they freakin' own the place so they stand in the middle of the main hallway today while people are trying to get to their busses or whatever. So I push my way through so I can get a ride home. Then some guy elbows me in the stomach. I was so pissed. I just wanted to yell at him if you weren't fucking standing in the middle of the hallway I wouldn't have to push my way through. Then we get on the bus and all they have going arcoss the radio is how they have 70+ students on a bus and they keep having to pull over to yell at the kids.

There's something seriously wrong here and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of being talked down to by people. Tired of people making assumptions about me. I'm tired of going to school where I'm at. I don't know where I could transfer to though. I seriously would love to. Most of the people there piss me off so much...

You know what I'm doing though? I'm covering up the hurt with anger because I'm only giving you half the story about why I'm so pissed. I choose not to get into the other part. Just because yeah...what the other people did was really wrong of them to do.

I felt like yelling or crying or I don't know..several times today. People suck. Well most people suck. I don't want to go back. Honestly I don't know how much longer I can handle this crap. That's what it is too...crap.

The highlight of my day was seeing that my Mark Hoppus cookie poster that I made last year has been put back up. Yes.

Oh and I'll get those Japanese bonus tracks up later.

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