Friday, September 08, 2006

School Lunches Still Suck

So...some girl made fun of me in the lunch line today for not having a tan. Lame. Especially when I'm standing right behind her. She could've atleast waited until she was seated somewhere to go and talk about someone...ah oh well, I'm not down at their level ha!

There was also a fight today at lunch between a white girl and a black girl....didn't get to see it though. They did make everyone leave the cafeteria while they hauled the girls out to the squad cars. So we stood around in the hallway since we got out of lunch early. I'm always missing the fights. I only saw one last year in the morning in the cafeteria.

I'm really tired, so tired my eyes hurt. Which is probably a sure sign to get off the computer right? haha. I'm sooooo sore too from typing so much in uncomfortable positions. The chairs in our computer labs at school suck. And sitting there entering code for an hour and a half in an uncomfortable chair sucks. Then we went to the lab again in 3rd period.

I watched Flight 93 last night. Just wow...just seems like yesterday all that 9/11 stuff was happening but yet it was 5 years ago, that's hard to believe. I've heard that the war on terror has now gone on longer than World War II. Don't quote me because I'm not sure if it's true information or not.

Too tired to continue....maybe another update this weekend? We'll see. Maybe a song or playlist for you to d/'s an idea.

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