Monday, September 11, 2006

It's Not Your Fault......

No matter how hard you try to forget things, chances are you'll never forget them.

I thought it was neat today in Spanish when we talked about where we were on 9/11 5 years ago. Of course I posted about what happened to me about a month ago in this journal. Check the August Archives if you really must know. It's kind of interesting though to hear everyone's story. Everyone's is different, share you story with me. I like reading things or talking about things.

In other non related to 9/11 things NFG's album has been leaked on PV and I'm listening to it right now. So far the only song I haven't heard that I've gotten to is "On My Mind" and wow....does that hit home right now. Anyway, so far it's different from old NFG, different but a good different. It'll be in my cd player for awhile after I get it next Tuesday. I'm only going to listen to it all the way through once today and that's it until next Tuesday. I swear. Cuz tommorrow it'll be on bittorrent for sure.

Someone once brought up something in a class of mine.....basically it was this "Anger is just a cover up for basically hurt is anger." We discussed it a lot that day. I didn't really say anything because I was afraid of disclosing too much information...But think about it, don't you think it's true? Anger is easier to deal with than hurt so we turn our hurt into anger. I'll admit, I'm guilty of this.

I like getting off on random tangets so here's another one for you. We were discussing this in the lunch line well besides the joy of having chocolate pudding haha. Anyways has anyone noticed that now days a lot of the times girls ask out the guys? I have. That kind of goes against how our ancestors did it. The guy was always the one who did the asking. I guess now women are in more of a power position and are more "ballsy" than men. Haha. So we're going to take charge and not mess around. Ha. I can come up with a whole list of reasons of why women are stronger than men. But I think I'll save that for another time. Just things I've learnt from personal experience or have noticed about people at school and such.

Ah well I'm going to go post on the-n and finish listening to the NFG album....yay!

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