Wednesday, September 06, 2006

So I'm tired...ohhhh so very tired. I should probably go to bed but I'm not, just because I feel the need to blog.

We have to write another piece for Drama gahhhh this time I'm going to be Rosa Parks. Hopefully I'll be able to use a dialect this time since I'm finally pretty much over my cold. Yay for that!

We had a college planning meeting thing today during US History. Excitement. Heh. The best part of the whole thing was hanging out with Kevin, Nicole, and Bev. Oh and I got told twice today that I need to eat more. I kept telling them that they should see me eat. I dunno I suppose only eating twice a day has something to do with me being skinny. We did the little calorie count last year in foods class, I was below my 2,000 calorie a day limit. I got like a 1400 or no I don't count calories I just eat what I want when I want. I bet some days I go wayyy over.

So I'm sitting in Web Design and we're about to go around to everybody's pc's to look at our First projects and critque everbodies annoymusly...(shhh I can't spell..) and suddenly I start looking at mine and I realize it's complete crap. It's sooooo BORING and PLAIN and I wanted to sit there and just delete the whole thing. It was a good experience though I got a chance to see other people's work and find out what other people in that class are into. We continue on tommorrow and I get to read my *announomus haha critques. Hopefully I was helpful in the ones I left.

So I pretty much feel disconnected from everyone right now. I feel like I haven't talked to my friends in some cases it's kind of true and other's I just talked to them today or recently. I almost feel like I need to constantly be in touch sometimes. Like I need to have that person who I know I can call at any time of any day and just vent. Not like I've ever done that but it'd be like a security blanket you know? Just someone you can always count on to be there for you and support you when you need them....or it could go the other way too when they need me.

I feel like I'm getting really random in this journal entry but I don't really care.

Do you find it hard or weird to talk about yourself? Sometimes I feel that way. I guess I don't really know how much information I want to disclose about myself to other people sometimes. Some people are the total opposite though and will tell a complete stranger their whole life story. I just don't think I could do that. I'd be constantly questioning everything I'd be saying. I'd think that I'd said something that offended them or made me sound stupid or something like that.Back to the whole website thing, we had to write a tiny little bio....I didn't even know where to start...I felt weird sharing information about myself to complete strangers whom I'd mostly never met in my life before. Plus I guess there's just some things you don't want some people to know about you.

Hmm....there's some stuff for you people to wrap your heads around....I'm going to go catch some Zz's....

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