Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Frames and tables oh my!

So...my head hurts excuse me while I insert a totally random quote that I always think of when my head hurts; "Ow....my head hurts *weird laugh*" So now that I got that out of my system I can continue.

School is a drag. Web Design can be so bland and boring. I get tired of sitting in silence except for the clicking of keyboards. I'm really tempted to ask Mr. Todor if we can listen to music. He'll probably say no though. I'd work so much better if I could listen to music in that class. He's giving us our projects tommorrow. Gah I'm two assignments behind...it's his fault...he gave us like 10 of them today. Ah I'm almost done with the Greyhound one..but I haven't started the athletics page yet. But we get to make a music website....yessss...

Oohh Drama presentations....BORING!

I saved a toad today. Yep, it was pretty awesome. It jumped out right infront of my feet when I was mowing the back yard today. So I stopped the mower and gently poked it with a tiny little stick until it hopped into the neighbor's yard. That was one of my good deeds today ^_^

Oh and the hearing test guy's service worker officially rules...haha I was his 1st period last year and now Erin is his 4th period this year. Yep...we're cool like that.

I've started to solve some of the Dramarama from yesterday so that's good news. I'm not so stressed about it...well I wasn't really stressed just more worried than anything. I'm still kinda worried. Hopefully things will be ok.

I need a costume idea for costume day at school next week. Last year I was an m&m...something monoply themed would be cool...I might just do nudist on strike if I can't think of anything haha. Simple costume...paper and a safety pin...but very clever if you think about it.

Ah well I feel like a twix....too bad we don't have any.

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