Thursday, September 21, 2006

You have my heart in your hands....You have my heart don't let it go

So I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to posting those tracks yet. I just got the last of the five today. Hopefully this weekend I'll get them up. Going out tommorrow for awhile.

ER starts tonight...the season finale last season really left you hanging. So I'm excited about seeing what happens there.

I recieved a lot of compliments today on my hair of all things. People said I looked older and that my hair was nice and such. I was like Whoa O.0 what are you talking about? My hair? It sucks. Me looking older? You've got to be kidding me. Plus I noticed more people paying attention to me today...hmm....I saw a certain guy today...that was pretty nifty. Haven't seen him all year..well since last school year anyways.

So....mes thinks I need to hangout with some certain people pretty dang soon because I miss them lots and lots. I'm hanging out with Erin for a bit after school tommorrow then coming home to freakin' sleep man..I gotta catch up on my sleep sometime ya know? But yeah I missssssss you guys like CRAZY!

Homecoming theme was announced today, well I found out what it is anyways, it's board games...ugh ugh, first thing I said was wow...that was our theme at Concordia when I was a freshmen there. So yeah...ugh ugh ugh. We do have pj hat day though?! Oh there's costume day that should be pretty fun. For pj day wow I'll probably just wear some shorts and a hoodie..haha. I don't know. Depends on how cold it is.

Oh and the title of this entry...mmm well warm fuzzies or cold pricklies? haha that didn't make any sense but I'm gonna pick warm fuzzies. So I have nothing else to say kids...

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