Friday, June 12, 2009

Day 37

Tired, my lips are extremely chapped. We were at CVS tonight too..should've stopped into to get some chapstick...wasn't thinking lol. Luckily chapstick is cheap, I always seem to lose those stupid things. Plus I can buy it with the dollar I found today haha.

I don't know what I'm going to do tonight, should've went upstairs on my lunch and looked for a movie...but didn't ah oh well...maybe I'll read or watch some ER. We shall see, at the moment I'm hungry and ready for dinner.

I don't know lately at work I've just felt like a loser, I'm the youngest one there, and I feel like everybody talks down to me. I know I'm not as "stylish" or whatever as the other girls, but why waste the money on clothes I'm only going to be wearing regularly for a couple of months? Ah I don't is just kind of a lonely place unless I'm interacting with kids in the computer lab...that's become my new favorite place to be.

Plus I've had the reverse homesickness kicking again...just longing to be back in Muncie. Gah, I'm seriously really really really really really looking forward to school. Oh how I miss it. I miss Noodles...I miss Atrium food, I miss Woodworth food, I miss super hot shower water, I miss music in the bathroom, I miss being with Adam and my friends everyday, I miss Late Night, and movies, and just all of it. Gah I'm pathetic aren't I? Ah oh well...that's how I feel.

Oh! And I talked to Jake last night and found out that Matt and Ethan are coming to BSU in the fall..Schweet. Well mostly about Matt...never really hungout with Ethan. But should be even more good times. Although they'll be living in the honors dorms boo. Ah oh well...still looking forward to going back regardless. whoever you are from Nobelsville who is constantly reading my blog, Hi!! I still have yet to figure out who you are and if I know anybody from Nobelsville. Last summer I got lost there on the way to Warped but that's about it haha. Maybe it's the guy from Goodyear who gave us the directions haha. Doubt it.

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