Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 39

I'm pretty sure I know who the Nobelsville blog reader is...who infact doesn't even live in Nobelsville...who actually lives about 2ish hours North of there. Haha. I have a feeling somehow Adams computer/ipod thinks it's in Nobelsville for some reason. Yep...pretty sure the mystery is solved.

Is it bad that I have growing list of things that I'm mad about for a certain person? Just feel like majorly yelling at them. But seeing as I haven't talked to them in awhile I don't know how'd that go and they'd probably be like what the hell? Ah oh well, doesn't change the fact that I hold things against them. Eh.

I'm stuck on what to write at the moment...I mean in this blog anyways. So many things have been swimming around in my brain today. Things that have said...go outside more, you wear entirely too many t-shirts, be more risky, make a difference in people's lives. I don't know...I haven't really been thinking about anything bad...just I don't know about the possibilites that life presents. I don't know...I have big dreams I guess...I just hope they aren't all pipe dreams.

"May Your Organs Fail...Before Your Dreams Fail You..."

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